Income tax returns in Grand Rapids. Business tax returns in Grand Rapids. Small business tax return advising services in Grand Rapids and West Michigan.

Income tax returns in Grand Rapids. Business tax returns in Grand Rapids. Small business tax return advising services in Grand Rapids and West Michigan.

My name is Jesus and I’m here to simplify your experience filing your personal and business federal, state, and local income taxes in Grand Rapids and across West Michigan. That means giving you dedicated service, scheduling options, and 100% COMPETITIVE TRANSPARENT PRICING. Get a $10 discount on a 100% virtual tax filing experience.


  • 2023 tax returns (tax filing and preparation)

  • Previous year tax returns (ax return and preparation)

  • Small business tax advising services year-round

  • Estimated tax payment services for small businesses

  • Business income and expenses tax return tracking

  • Changing your LLC to S-Corp and tax advising

  • 100% virtual tax return appointments ($10 off tax return)

  • In-person tax return appointments

  • Digital video call tax return appointments

  • Transparent pricing, starting at $100! (Visiting pricing page for more details)

Book your tax appointment now in Grand Rapids, Michigan

In-person, digital video call, or 100% virtual individual income tax filing appointments are available in Grand Rapids, Michigan and across West Michigan. In-person and online tax appointments will be charged at our competitive and 100% transparent regular rates. 100% virtual tax filings will be given a $10 discount off these rates. Please visit the Pricing page and the Appointments page to learn more about the types of appointments offered and how each are priced accordingly. For a quote on your specific taxes, please contact us, we’re happy to help.

100% transparent pricing! Professional tax preparation and filing for as low as $100. Our pricing range is $100-$180 maximum per individual return based on the complexity of your return. A Super Simple Return is $100, a Simple Return is $120, a Standard Return is $140, and a Star Return is $180. PLUS, you can get an additional $10 discount when you book a 100% virtual appointment with Adelante Tax Services. A debit or credit card will be required to hold your appointment, but you will not be charged until time of service and final pricing tier is determined.


Have you been looking for help your small business tax accounting needs in Grand Rapids, MI? Need to better record keep your income and expenses on QuickBooks? Need a tax accounting solution because QuickBooks is too expensive? Need help with your quarterly estimated tax payments? Need help understanding whether an S-Corp or LLC is right for your small business? Need help filing the necessary tax returns for your S-Corp or LLC? Need help trying to minimize your taxable business income including qualified business use of car and home office expenses? Need help doing this all at a competitive annual contract rate?

Contact us now to schedule a free consultation with Adelante Tax Service to see how we can help you with your small business tax accounting needs.